January 2025 Update

WELCOME! Greetings and welcome to the first ever monthly Sherwood Exchange newsletter! This newsletter aims to help keep you informed about the goings on at The Exchange, with latest news and upcoming events, while also offering some useful advice and tips that may help you along the way.

Our food is staying fresher and usable for longer, thanks to a wonderful donation of a large fridge last month. The ‘retail sized’ fridge created surprise and some commotion, as the door frame had to be removed and needed four people to put it in place.

The fridge not only allows us to store more fresh food, but has also means we have now been permitted to receive surplus stock from FareShare Midlands – a charity who ensure that surplus supermarket food is prevented from becoming waste by redistributing it to community groups such as our Exchange.

Upcoming events

All events are taking place at The Place, 2A Melrose St,
– Every Saturday 12noon – 2.30pm: Sherwood Exchange OPEN
– Sat 1st February: 11am: Mindfulness for all with Rachel Jackson
– Sat 8th February 11am: Radiator sheet/blanket-making class
– Sat 15th February 11am: Reiki with Krista Nicholson
– Sat 22nd February 11am: Radiator sheet/blanket-making class

Thank you

We’d like to give a huge thanks to all our supporters. Your donations are so valuable. This month’s donors include:
– FareShare
– The Place Activity Centre
– ShareWear
– The Rotary Club Beeston
– The V Spot
– Sainsbury’s Arnold and Gedling
– The Arabic School
– Himmah
– Heron Foods
– Martin Jerome Kelly

Contact us

The Sherwood Exchange
The Place Activity Centre
2a Melrose Street

Open on Saturdays 12:00 noon – 2:30 pm